ACE learning pathways
We want to portrait different examples of programs using the ACE model approach
The figure below presents an example of how three different learners could follow three different paths, each one specifically tailored to their needs, and structured with support from mentors.
Before completion of each one of the academic modules, the students can choose whether they want to obtain a digital credential certifying the content and skills acquired at an additional price. These credentials are also accepted by other higher education institutions, a fact that further enhances flexibility in education.
Global Apprenticeship Program (GAP)
The Global Apprenticeship Program (GAP) is an initiative, led by The Intern Group, and with the participation of MIT Open Learning, focused on improving diverse emerging talent job preparedness and how companies can successfully recruit, onboard and retain this talent.
MIT Emerging Talent
The MIT Emerging Talent, builds up on the experience of the MIT Refugee Action Hub (ReACT), that was launched in May 2017 as a response to the MIT SOLVE call to find creative solutions to the problem of refugee education.
Program in Data Science Uruguay
In May 2019 the Program in Data Science Uruguay started activities with its first generation participating in an MIT-planned and led workshop. After successfully completing the first generation with support from MIT J-WEL, now the MIT IDSS if supporting the learning journey of the learners.
The Asia School of Business (ASB) was established in 2015 in collaboration with MIT Sloan. and is implementing different courses using the ACE model, including Corporate Finance and AI for Business Leaders.